Encounter Jesus, ​Be Disciples.

Parish Directory

Love thy neighbor

Our parish, the body of Christ.

Tap on the tags below each parishioner’s name to discover more about their *household, group, or ministry. Read on to learn what they love about our parish.

Please help and encourage one another to contribute to our parish directory; it’s so important to get to know each other! Use this form to submit each adult household member or request changes. In the interest of their safety, we will not publish children’s photographs or information.​ For questions, please get in touch with gaby@padreserra.org

By Parishioner

The alphabetical index is by first name.

Allen Hooper

Becoming a Catholic with Father Kidney.

Amanda Sanchez

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When we moved here we looked for the right church. On our first visit to Padre Serra it felt like a great fit. That is a lasting memory that I will not forget. Also Fr. Patrick thought my husband and I were much younger than we were so that was also apart of my favorite memories her at the Parish.

Ami Milla

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I love the women's retreats. You get to form more personal connections and learn how fun these women are.

Ann Duffy

Nothing compares to the Easter Vigil Mass at Padre Serra. Ever since we started going to this Mass, we've loved it. The beautiful readings, wonderful choir, new baptisms, and, of course, celebration of Jesus' Resurrection make this our favorite Mass of the year. Our kids are adults so feel free to publish their names. Also, we all consent to sharing our email addresses.

Ann Mulligan

Babies in the water at the font at Baptisms.

Ann Pettit

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Memories of Couples Retreats and Women's Retreats - leading retreats, being on teams, and building lasting wonderful friendships sharing our faith, families, and our stories... attending these through the years are some of my favorite memories.

Anne Hansen

The sacramental moments for our children and grandchildren and the funerals of my parents render Padre Serra a sacred place - holy ground - for our family.

Annette Prosser

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The entire weekend of celebration when Padre Serra Church was consecrated and dedicated as a new church.

Anvith Bheemisetty

My favorite memory with Padre Serra was being part of Alter server group. Bob is such a nice person and always encouraged to serve God diligently and also have fun with friends. He motivated us with gifts, and I still kept the bag that he presented.

Araceli Martinez Arroyo

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Weekly sermons with father Patrick. The weekly welcome to new parishioners and visitors. The trunk or treat and the posadas.

Arlene Cappella

19-year parishioner. I enjoy attending senior meetings and livestreaming Mass every Sunday.

Barb Rumble

My favorite memory is our marriage in the church, followed by our confirmation the next day. I also am grateful for the friendliness of the parishioners and having the opportunity to meet and get to know so many wonderful people.

Barbara Breeden

Learning that I am a child of God.

Barbara Farmer

The feeling that all are welcome.

Barbara Humphrey

I’ve been a 30-year parishioner, and the parish is like “family.” The people are so friendly & welcoming that we’ve always felt like we belonged there.

Barbara Karplus

Teaching children's Faith Formation for 15 years between 2007 and 2022, especially the last 11 years helping 5th graders learn about the Bible.

Barbara Likovich

Our favorite memory at Padre Serra was when our church building opened 25 years ago. Right away, we fell in love with our unique “Mass in the Round” architecture. Instead of looking at “backs,” we were able to see many parishioners praying and singing with their happy faces. Instantly we felt we belonged!

Becky Hosseini

I love the welcome letter, how genuine Father Patrick is & how welcoming the people are. Having retired & moved here from Michigan (and not knowing a soul) I feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community. Oooh, and the music ministers to my soul. This church has so much to offer. It really is a community unto itself.

Belinda Ilog

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At the groundbreaking ceremony, we were told we could get dirt and put it in a container to bring home as souvenirs. I kept that glass jar for many, many years. I watched the development of the construction of the church, and that was exciting. Another memory was the unveiling of the huge crucifix in the church. The church was full, and there were many reporters taking pictures. I had the opportunity to meet the artist.

Benita Bheemisetty

My favorite memory with Padre Serra was being a peer leader during summer programs. It was so nice to enjoy the summer break with fun activities with other parish friends.

Bill Moody

I have so many, over the past 25 years we have been coming to Padre Serra. Family weddings, confirmations, baptisms, the building of the Church and the Hall, and watching as we deliver angel tags gifts to the needy parishes in our area. We are lucky to belong.

Bill Routolo

All of my best friends go here! And I love to sit with them.

Bill Rumble

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I have so many favorite memories of Padre Serra Parish - RCIA, our Marriage Convalidation, our Confirmation, Living Liturgy, Help and Hope Ministry I ran for 6 years, all the great people we have met and friends that we have made, our Grandkids First Communion, our grandson's Confirmation. Padre Serra is a huge part of our lives, every day! I thank God every day for bringing me to Him, to His Church and to Padre Serra Parish.

Bob Demyan

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Wonderful and fulfilling liturgies shared by warm, receptive and welcoming parishioners and parish staff.

Bob Foster

We have been parishioners since 1988!! We are founding members and love this parish!!! We used to do Donuts and Many Meals.

Breanne Eshelman

I have wonderful memories from making my Confirmation at Padre Serra over 25 years ago! I remember the retreat and how special it was to read letters from our parents. I also remember the washing of the feet. So touching! It was such a fantastic Confirmation program!

Brian Campos

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Mass in general. Being united as one mystical body to offer up the sacrifice of Mass.

By Household

After choosing the household, please scroll down to see your selection.
HouseholdAbare'sAida KnowlesAl & Betty MartinezAmesAmi & Daniel MillaAndrusAnguianoArellano FamilyArroyo FamilyAyerzaBaillieBaltesBanksBarbara BreedenBarkerBarraBarryBeckerBecky HosseiniBennBensonBerkovichBernardino FamilyBerndBheemisettyBill & Barb RumbleBirgyBizjackBob & Linda DemyanBondBorchardBowellBrackettBrady & AndersonBravo FamilyBrian CamposBrowningBruceBuckBurchBurch & FreelandCallejas-Reyes FamilyCappellaCarmen ReevesCarrollCartainoCesar & Belinda IlogChangCharlie & Carmen ReevesChella & Gary FreebergChris & HoopCicciariCollierConnie LakowskiCoverlyCraddockCroftCronleyCrosettiCruz FamilyDaCorsi FamilyDawson FamilyDe ForgeDeeneyDelgadoDenhamDenise GintyDeVera & McDermott FamilyDeVillersDikesDoddDon & Libby AtwaterDonna LovatoDoris McAleerDuffyEdward & TeresaEdward & Teresa BarrierElizabeth LeungErvin and Mary GrahamEshelman FamilyEvansFarmerFiacco & PowersFichtelman & Scyphers & LecedreFloodFloresFooteForgette FamilyForteFosterFrank & Mary Ann BognarFraserFred & Gale DriverFreelandGajkowskiGallesGantenbeinGazsiGlenn & Christine OlsenGraham FamilyGrassoGriffinGrindeyGutierrez FamilyHansenHatch FamilyHeidtHJ & Melbourne Aquino FamilyHockenmaierHoldenHooper FamilyHuber FamilyHuebnerHumphreyJackie PerrinJane & Ed WatersJanowicz FamilyJerry & Ilene ZinsJerry & Lisa ZinsJim & Laurie NicholsJim & Pam ValovcinJoan. R. ForteJoe & Kim TortiJohn & Mary Ann PetersonJuárezJun & Claire MilanoKathleen van Daalen WettersKathy SedillosKaufmanKearin FamilyKen & Vivian PatrickKleinKoernerKorellKriegerKurnerLamouereuxLapuz FamilyLarry & Colleen NaumannLayLechman FamilyLehmanLeonardLikovichLisa FiscoLoeffler FamilyLollLovatoLucas FamilyMacAllerMacAller McCurdy FamilyMadsen FamilyMaielloManlutac FamilyMarinoMartinezMatthewsMayhewMcCallickMcDonoughMcGrathMeierMendozaMenneMillemanMiss. Melanie CotaMoffetMontgomeryMoodyMoody FamilyMooreMorganMullenMulliganMyersNguyenNoe Kalei Howard & Kristine DurandO'DonnellO'NeilPaddy & Dan TruePaolellaPapillonParent Family Thomas & LeonoraPatricia GuzmanPaul Ford & Janice DaurioPauloPeter & Mary LaurencePettitPirklPohl FamikyPowersProsserProutyQuinlivanRamirezRamirez-VelasquezRamosRandy & Michelle ReasonRay & Carolyn SiutaRay PaslowskiRedmondReeseReinhartRichard & Karen GatchelRichardsRick & Venecia BalatbatRipplingerRobinson-Tolentino FamilyRodriguezRonan FamilyRoutoloRudy & Lita LaudatoRunyonRyanSaineSanchezScheibelhutSedillosSentianinSheilShieldsSimmons & SnyderSisters of St. JosephSteve & Cindy DebbasStollStowasserSuede FamilySullivanSundberg FamilyTapiaTaylorThe Burns FamilyThe Cravens FamilyThe Erker FamilyThe Sanchez-Rivera FamilyThe Shadduck HouseholdThe Stroud FamilyTim & Sharon FrancisTosiniVelasquezVeltri FamilyVictor & Marjorie CorpuzWest FamilyWhiteWill & Ger AldersonWilliamsWomer & KarplusYamamotoYeager

Allen Hooper

Becoming a Catholic with Father Kidney.

Amanda Sanchez

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When we moved here we looked for the right church. On our first visit to Padre Serra it felt like a great fit. That is a lasting memory that I will not forget. Also Fr. Patrick thought my husband and I were much younger than we were so that was also apart of my favorite memories her at the Parish.

Ami Milla

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I love the women's retreats. You get to form more personal connections and learn how fun these women are.

Ann Duffy

Nothing compares to the Easter Vigil Mass at Padre Serra. Ever since we started going to this Mass, we've loved it. The beautiful readings, wonderful choir, new baptisms, and, of course, celebration of Jesus' Resurrection make this our favorite Mass of the year. Our kids are adults so feel free to publish their names. Also, we all consent to sharing our email addresses.

Ann Mulligan

Babies in the water at the font at Baptisms.

Ann Pettit

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Memories of Couples Retreats and Women's Retreats - leading retreats, being on teams, and building lasting wonderful friendships sharing our faith, families, and our stories... attending these through the years are some of my favorite memories.

Anne Hansen

The sacramental moments for our children and grandchildren and the funerals of my parents render Padre Serra a sacred place - holy ground - for our family.

Annette Prosser

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The entire weekend of celebration when Padre Serra Church was consecrated and dedicated as a new church.

Anvith Bheemisetty

My favorite memory with Padre Serra was being part of Alter server group. Bob is such a nice person and always encouraged to serve God diligently and also have fun with friends. He motivated us with gifts, and I still kept the bag that he presented.

Araceli Martinez Arroyo

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Weekly sermons with father Patrick. The weekly welcome to new parishioners and visitors. The trunk or treat and the posadas.

Arlene Cappella

19-year parishioner. I enjoy attending senior meetings and livestreaming Mass every Sunday.

Barb Rumble

My favorite memory is our marriage in the church, followed by our confirmation the next day. I also am grateful for the friendliness of the parishioners and having the opportunity to meet and get to know so many wonderful people.

Barbara Breeden

Learning that I am a child of God.

Barbara Farmer

The feeling that all are welcome.

Barbara Humphrey

I’ve been a 30-year parishioner, and the parish is like “family.” The people are so friendly & welcoming that we’ve always felt like we belonged there.

Barbara Karplus

Teaching children's Faith Formation for 15 years between 2007 and 2022, especially the last 11 years helping 5th graders learn about the Bible.

Barbara Likovich

Our favorite memory at Padre Serra was when our church building opened 25 years ago. Right away, we fell in love with our unique “Mass in the Round” architecture. Instead of looking at “backs,” we were able to see many parishioners praying and singing with their happy faces. Instantly we felt we belonged!

Becky Hosseini

I love the welcome letter, how genuine Father Patrick is & how welcoming the people are. Having retired & moved here from Michigan (and not knowing a soul) I feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community. Oooh, and the music ministers to my soul. This church has so much to offer. It really is a community unto itself.

By Ministry

After choosing a ministry, please scroll down to see your selection.

Libby Atwater

Father Patrick and fellow parishioners warmly welcomed us when we moved to Camarillo three years ago. I found Father's homilies uplifting and inspiring in the depths of the pandemic. Three years later, I feel blessed to be part of this parish family, my spiritual home.

Robert Shadduck

The Dedication of the Parish on 1 July 1995. Taking our altar servers to the Cathedral to serve Red Masses and Deacon Ordination liturgies.

Mike Morgan

When we first broke ground at the church, I was the Mayor of Camarillo. So I always remember when I finished breaking ground, I heard over my shoulder, “Michael Me Boy.” It was Father Kidney, and he was so good I switched parishes.

Mary Ann (Sunshine) Peterson

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Always feeling welcomed, Warm reception by our Parish Families. The opportunity to list our Special Intentions. Warm Hugs from Our Father Patrick. Wonderful way to begin my week.

Linda Coverly

The music! It’s incredible.

Sylvia DeVillers

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It's a toss-up between my son's wedding and reception and my husband's funeral: two different ways of experiencing and celebrating God's loving presence with my parish family.

Ger Alderson

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Taking my 94 year old mom to Mass on the Grass during Covid. She was so thrilled to get to go.

Steve Meier

Participating in Saints Among Us.

Jay Snyder

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Attending the Easter Vigil Mass each year as it brings back great memories of when I entered the Church in 2012.

Samantha Ramos

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My years helping with youth ministry and choir!

Mary Huebner

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Celebrating sacraments with my children and all the littles of PSP!

Melissa Yeager

My name is Melissa Yeager. I converted and became Catholic about 12 years ago. I remember the first time I walked into Padre Serra, and felt like I was “home”. That feeling has never really left. I am so grateful to be part of this parish family. I have many fond memories, from the mundane to the profound and everything in between. I love Christmas, the Easter Vigil, Trunk or Treat, homemade cookies at Adult Faith Formation events, our social justice ministries and our beautiful statue of Mary. Blessings and peace to all of you.

Parish Staff Quick Reference

Parish phone: (805) 482 · 6417
Parish email: parish@padreserra.org
Parish staff: first name@padreserra.org

​For questions about…

Appointments Fr. Patrick Barbara Morgan x324 srlana@padreserra.org
Baptism Sr. Lana Chang x320 srlana@padreserra.org
Becoming ​Catholic Adults Mary Huebner x321 mary@padreserra.org
Becoming ​Catholic Children Jennifer Gutierrez x346 jennifer@padreserra.org
Bulletin Gaby Rivera x356 gaby@padreserra.org
Business Manuel León x348 manuel@padreserra.org
Children Tere Delgado x347 tere@padreserra.org
Children Choir Kathleen MacAller   kathleen@padreserra.org
Cherubs Lisa Barra   lisa@padreserra.org
Communications Technology Gaby Rivera x356 gaby@padreserra.org
Confirmation Martha Rodriguez x331 martha@padreserra.org
Facilities Manuel León x348 manuel@padreserra.org
Faith Formation Tere Delgado x347 tere@padreserra.org
First Communion Tere Delgado x347 tere@padreserra.org
Front Desk Sr. Lana Chang x320 srlana@padreserra.org
Funerals Sr. Lana Chang x320 srlana@padreserra.org
Giving Pam Kingsley x330 pam@padreserra.org
High ​School Brett Becker x335 brett@padreserra.org
Join Sr. Lana Chang x320 srlana@padreserra.org
Liturgy Dominic MacAller x327 dominic@padreserra.org
Little Church Soraya Thenoz   ​​soraya@padreserra.org
Live Streaming Gaby Rivera x356 gaby@padreserra.org
Maintenance Manuel León x348 manuel@padreserra.org
Marriage & Weddings Teresa Runyon x322 teresa@padreserra.org
Media Coordination Gaby Rivera x356 gaby@padreserra.org
Middle School Tere Delgado x347 tere@padreserra.org
Middle School Choir Kathleen MacAller   kathleen@padreserra.org
Ministry Assistant Anne McMahon x309 ​​anne@padreserra.org
Music Ministry Dominic MacAller x327 dominic@padreserra.org
Pastoral Care Teresa Runyon x322 teresa@padreserra.org
Safeguard the Children Mary Huebner x321 ​​mary@padreserra.org
Seniors Teresa Runyon x322 teresa@padreserra.org
Serra Center Kay Nielsen x361 ​​serracenter@padreserra.org
Spark! Grades 1, 2 Jennifer Gutierrez x346 jennifer@padreserra.org
Spark! Grades 3, 4, 5 Christine Olsen x320 christine@padreserra.org
Stay & Play Soraya Thenoz   ​​soraya@padreserra.org
Young ​Adults Brett Becker x335 brett@padreserra.org
Youth Ministry Brett Becker x335 brett@padreserra.org
Webmaster Gaby Rivera x356 gaby@padreserra.org


Parish phone: (805) 482 · 6417
If you have an emergency that requires a priest after hours, such as serious illness or death, please call: (805) 512 · 3208
Pastor Fr. Patrick Mullen x324 frpatrick@padreserra.org
Senior Deacon ​John Picard x320
Deacon ​Joseph Torti x409 deaconjoe@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Bob Fargo x364 deaconbobfargo@msn.com
Deacon ​Roy Gacasan x410 deaconroy@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Neil Kingsley x401 neil@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Luc Papillon x412 deaconluc@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Jack Redmond x403 deaconjack@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Arnold Reyes x404 deaconarnold@padreserra.org
Deacon ​Bill Spies x362 williamrspies@gmail.com