Tap on the tags below each parishioner’s name to discover more about their *household, group, or ministry. Read on to learn what they love about our parish.
Please help and encourage one another to contribute to our parish directory; it’s so important to get to know each other! Use this form to submit each adult household member or request changes. In the interest of their safety, we will not publish children’s photographs or information. For questions, please get in touch with gaby@padreserra.org
Appointments Fr. Patrick | Barbara Morgan | x324 | srlana@padreserra.org |
Baptism | Sr. Lana Chang | x320 | srlana@padreserra.org |
Becoming Catholic Adults | Mary Huebner | x321 | mary@padreserra.org |
Becoming Catholic Children | Jennifer Gutierrez | x346 | jennifer@padreserra.org |
Bulletin | Gaby Rivera | x356 | gaby@padreserra.org |
Business | Manuel León | x348 | manuel@padreserra.org |
Children | Tere Delgado | x347 | tere@padreserra.org |
Children Choir | Kathleen MacAller | kathleen@padreserra.org | |
Cherubs | Lisa Barra | lisa@padreserra.org | |
Communications Technology | Gaby Rivera | x356 | gaby@padreserra.org |
Confirmation | Martha Rodriguez | x331 | martha@padreserra.org |
Facilities | Manuel León | x348 | manuel@padreserra.org |
Faith Formation | Tere Delgado | x347 | tere@padreserra.org |
First Communion | Tere Delgado | x347 | tere@padreserra.org |
Front Desk | Sr. Lana Chang | x320 | srlana@padreserra.org |
Funerals | Sr. Lana Chang | x320 | srlana@padreserra.org |
Giving | Pam Kingsley | x330 | pam@padreserra.org |
High School | Brett Becker | x335 | brett@padreserra.org |
Join | Sr. Lana Chang | x320 | srlana@padreserra.org |
Liturgy | Dominic MacAller | x327 | dominic@padreserra.org |
Little Church | Soraya Thenoz | soraya@padreserra.org | |
Live Streaming | Gaby Rivera | x356 | gaby@padreserra.org |
Maintenance | Manuel León | x348 | manuel@padreserra.org |
Marriage & Weddings | Teresa Runyon | x322 | teresa@padreserra.org |
Media Coordination | Gaby Rivera | x356 | gaby@padreserra.org |
Middle School | Tere Delgado | x347 | tere@padreserra.org |
Middle School Choir | Kathleen MacAller | kathleen@padreserra.org | |
Ministry Assistant | Anne McMahon | x309 | anne@padreserra.org |
Music Ministry | Dominic MacAller | x327 | dominic@padreserra.org |
Pastoral Care | Teresa Runyon | x322 | teresa@padreserra.org |
Safeguard the Children | Mary Huebner | x321 | mary@padreserra.org |
Seniors | Teresa Runyon | x322 | teresa@padreserra.org |
Serra Center | Kay Nielsen | x361 | serracenter@padreserra.org |
Spark! Grades 1, 2 | Jennifer Gutierrez | x346 | jennifer@padreserra.org |
Spark! Grades 3, 4, 5 | Christine Olsen | x320 | christine@padreserra.org |
Stay & Play | Soraya Thenoz | soraya@padreserra.org | |
Young Adults | Brett Becker | x335 | brett@padreserra.org |
Youth Ministry | Brett Becker | x335 | brett@padreserra.org |
Webmaster | Gaby Rivera | x356 | gaby@padreserra.org |
Pastor | Fr. Patrick Mullen | x324 | frpatrick@padreserra.org |
Senior Deacon | John Picard | x320 | |
Deacon | Joseph Torti | x409 | deaconjoe@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Bob Fargo | x364 | deaconbobfargo@msn.com |
Deacon | Roy Gacasan | x410 | deaconroy@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Neil Kingsley | x401 | neil@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Luc Papillon | x412 | deaconluc@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Jack Redmond | x403 | deaconjack@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Arnold Reyes | x404 | deaconarnold@padreserra.org |
Deacon | Bill Spies | x362 | williamrspies@gmail.com |