Encounter Jesus, ​Be Disciples.


Writers Group

Flood, David

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Singing in the Adult Choir and being a member of the Padre Serra Parish Writers Group.

DeVillers, Sylvia

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It's a toss-up between my son's wedding and reception and my husband's funeral: two different ways of experiencing and celebrating God's loving presence with my parish family.

Velasquez, Eva

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Being in the choir and the writers' group.

Galles, Marcia

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One of my favorite memories is of singing in the choir during my very first Triduum nearly two decades ago now. I was blown away back then by the deeply moving services that unfolded over those three absolutely incredible days, and I consider it one of the truly great blessings of my life that I have been able to be a part of it year after year.

Bognar, Frank C.

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Warm welcome and sense of inclusiveness by Fr. Patrick. Homilies are informative and challenging. Fr. Patrick is a skilled speaker bringing a faith community together. The parish comes across as well organized, and events are very well done.

Atwater, Libby

Father Patrick and fellow parishioners warmly welcomed us when we moved to Camarillo three years ago. I found Father's homilies uplifting and inspiring in the depths of the pandemic. Three years later, I feel blessed to be part of this parish family, my spiritual home.