There is no more effective evangelization tool than regular, everyday people choosing to live their faith in their homes, councils, community, and parish. Through our programs and resources, we provide opportunities to live and spread the Catholic faith.
Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization founded by Fr. Michael J. McGivney in 1882. It has served the Church and its parishes and communities for 130 years! Today, it is the world’s largest Catholic men’s organization dedicated to upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church, helping people in need, and fostering a bond between members.
Joining our local council doesn’t mean sacrificing quality time with your family; volunteering an hour here or there with your family can make a real difference. As a Knight, men 18+ have the opportunity to strengthen our parish, give back to the community, and grow in faith.
Our local Knights of Columbus Council #5272 is made up of men from Padre Serra and St. Mary Magdalen parishes. They coordinate and carry out fundraising and social events to support a variety of charitable causes and Catholic education.
Visit Council 5272’s website. Follow the Knights of Columbus Council #5272 at Facebook @kofc5272